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Terraria -- The |OT| that was never meant to be!
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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 17:35:09


This OT was never going to happen. I had no energy and no intentions of putting work into anything other than the necessities this weekend, but then two things happened: (1)Vader posted he thought this WAS going to happen and (2)I've come to the conclusion that, if any game was worthy of such a topic, Terraria was it!

To be honest, I didn't think I was going to get into the game as much as I have. I haven't played Minecraft since last year and with ALL the other great games I have at the moment (Tomb Raider, BioShock Infinite, Monster Hunter, etc.), I just didn't think it would be worth the time...


**Guess I was wrong, huh?**


Yeah. It's worthy of the time... but what is it? It's basically a side-scrolling, Sandbox kind of game. You start with a Copper Sword, Copper Pick-Axe and Copper Axe and you are thrown into an untamed world. You'll almost immediately come across Blobs, Bunnies and shortly after starting, a Guide. The blobs give up Gel and Cash when you kill them. The Guide will give you tips on how to survive. The bunnies, well, the bunnies just explode into viscera upon contact with any sword, tool, monster, etc... The bunnies seem to be there just for the fun of slaughtering them.

If you've chopped down any trees, and gather gel from a blob, you'll notice you can craft a Torch in your Crafting Menu. Better craft it quick, cause just like Winter in Westeros, Night-time is coming! With the night comes the Zombie hordes and Demon Eyes. Your visibility is limited at night and the enemies keep on coming, so... much like Minecraft, the first thing your going to want to do is build a home! Your home needs to have walls, a ceiling, a source of light, a chair and a table. You've inevitably gotten wood already, you know how to craft the torch... Your Guide will have instructed you by now to build a 'Work Bench' out of wood, and there your options expand ten-fold! Now you can construct wooden walls and chairs, and other tabs open, showing Weapons, other Crafting Objects (like Anvils, Furnaces and Looms), Armors, Items and other Household necessities.


Although the game looks like a Super Nintendo game, the depth is nearly endless. Not only can you dig into the Earth (and eventually to the Underworld), you'll expand East and West into Deserts, Castles, Jungles, Corrupted Lands and the Sea. Let's not even mention Islands in the Sky yet! **Mostly because I haven't been able to reach one yet!**

Each land brings new Enemies. Each enemy brings new Materials. Each Material can potentially be crafted into something useful to you. Finding Ore deposits (Copper, Silver, Iron, Gold and Demonite, etc) lets you build better versions of those items, or even more unique items than before!


I'm not going to SPOIL alot of these items, as discovering them is half the charm of the game, I'll just give you one example:

Three Iron Bars makes a Chain. Three Chains and a Monster Claw (obtainable from a Skeleton, I think) makes a Grappling Hook!


The grappling hook attaches to any object and lets you access previously inaccessible areas, which, in turn, leads to new materials and new monsters, etc... Hidden in caves in the sides of Mountains or below the Earth in Subterranian caves are Treasure Chests. There are wooden and Gold chests. The wooden ones give you items, Potions, money, etc... The Gold ones can possibly give you Game Changing items! 'Cloud in a Bottle' for example, gives you a Double Jump! Awesome!


Little by little, your world expands, your tools expand, your Skills expand... You just cannot help but explore a little more, explore a little more, explore a little more... until you've found hours and hours have passed!

Whereas 'vanilla' Minecraft taxes your Creativity, Terraria tests your Creativity ---AND--- your Game-Playing skills as well! Enemies react in an 8-bit or 16-bit CastleVania kind of way. The Demon Eyes float like Medusa Heads, the Zombies march as relentlessly in this game as they do in CV. Better yet... THERE ARE BOSSES!


The first time night falls, these guys will give you trouble:


The first boss you encounter, however, will most likely make you shart yourself!



"What's the big deal?" you may say? Well, when you die, you drop EVERYTHING! Everything you have on your person is dropped on the spot that you perish. Much like in Demon Souls, if you can get back to your Gravestone, you can retrieve your objects, if not... Kiss your hard earned Objects, Items, Money and Tools goodbye!

In this game, you feel each and every Death. You cherish each and every item, because you make them all on your own!

If anyone gets into this game, I will post about my first encounter with Skeletron, and what happened as a result... Let's just say, this game can make a grown man cry!


Did I mention (THANK GOD!) there's Multiplayer? It's Local and it's Online... Having trouble bringing down the Eye of Cthulhu? **Pictured above!** Grab three friends and have at it! Unlike Minecraft, if memory serves me correctly, if you were to visit your friend's world, objects you gank or are given --CAN-- be brought back to your world with you! Did you get splattered by King Slime and lose your Dark Sword of Murderous Intent? Maybe your bud will lend you an Iron Broadsword to go and take your revenge!

Edited: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:18:16
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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:08:40

"But the game is so simple and side-scrollery... does it inspire such creativity as Minecraft did?"

You tell me:

Considering you start of with something like this:

Everything else is pretty 'effin impressive, no?

Edited: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:10:48
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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:13:22

The game is available for both 360 and PS3. I believe it works out to something like $14.99 to buy, if I remember correctly. I am playing on 360, if anyone else cares to join me! I'll post more in this topic IF there's any interest. As it stands, IF you want a HUGE return for your investment and you have time to spare, you CANNOT go wrong with purchasing this game!

Edited: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 04:04:48
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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:26:21

Ok, I am kind of excited. Amazing thread as usual.

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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:39:20

There is only one reason why I have not bought this game yet, simply cause I fear how much time I would put into it. I would never get to my backlog.

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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 18:58:30

This game almost takes precedence over a backlog for a reason that's nearly impossible to describe...

It's almost anachronistic in the way that it spans multiple generations of concepts, visions and gameplay. It looks and plays like a Super Nintendo game, but the size, scope, potential and depth of the game couldn't possibly have been done on any generation prior to this one. It will remind you of both the 16-bit and modern times at the same time. You'll swear by looking at the sprites, you are playing a Final Fantasy game, but then you'll come across an incredibly dangerous boss, a-la Dark Souls. It looks like something you would see on the Genesis, but then you'll realize the amounts of sheer data that must be processed to account for every block, tile, object and item that can be maniuplated and must be tracked throughout the entire game world. Playing this game is like playing every game you've ever owned at once! It's so simple and yet so mindblowing all at the same time.

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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 19:10:21

Who else has played this or is planning on playing? Foolz? Steel?

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Sat, 06 Apr 2013 19:25:56

I had a revelation about Nintendo as I was playing this game: I was thinking how cool it would be to have a Minecraft-like or Terraria-like ---MARIO--- game. Entitle it something like 'Mushroom Kingdom' or something. Form the land, be creative, dig a-la Mario Bros. 2, plant for Fire-Flowers, discover Tanooki leaf Trees, enter Sub-Con, etc... Then I realized: Nintendo is one of the STRICTEST and most INFLEXIBLE developers out there. Very seldomly do they let you create your own character, very seldomly do they allow the new guys come up with new ideas (Miyamoto vetoing certain types of new Mario power-ups)... Even in Animal Crossing, the town develops according to how they want it to... You can't really place houses, or change the landscape. They will only give players just so much freedom with their licensed properties. I don't think they would EVER develop an open-world game, and --THAT-- is both sad and strange!

Edited: Sat, 06 Apr 2013 19:27:12
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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 03:20:27
phantom_leo said:

"But the game is so simple and side-scrollery... does it inspire such creativity as Minecraft did?"

You tell me:


No. Nyaa They're pretty damn cool, but not really comparable to the sort of stuff you see made in Minecraft...or Forza.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 07:37:12
phantom_leo said:

I had a revelation about Nintendo as I was playing this game: I was thinking how cool it would be to have a Minecraft-like or Terraria-like ---MARIO--- game. Entitle it something like 'Mushroom Kingdom' or something. Form the land, be creative, dig a-la Mario Bros. 2, plant for Fire-Flowers, discover Tanooki leaf Trees, enter Sub-Con, etc... Then I realized: Nintendo is one of the STRICTEST and most INFLEXIBLE developers out there. Very seldomly do they let you create your own character, very seldomly do they allow the new guys come up with new ideas (Miyamoto vetoing certain types of new Mario power-ups)... Even in Animal Crossing, the town develops according to how they want it to... You can't really place houses, or change the landscape. They will only give players just so much freedom with their licensed properties. I don't think they would EVER develop an open-world game, and --THAT-- is both sad and strange!

Its true and it sucks. I would love for them to go all LBP with Nintendo property but they wont.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 08:16:07
phantom_leo said:

Who else has played this or is planning on playing? Foolz? Steel?

I would have already bought and played but for the fact this is one of those endless games right?

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 08:31:16
phantom_leo said:

Who else has played this or is planning on playing? Foolz? Steel?

I may give it a try soon just to see what it's like...but that sounds like a dangerous thing to do!

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 12:38:22
aspro said:

I would have already bought and played but for the fact this is one of those endless games right?

There is a new 'End Boss' so I think you could consider beating him beating the game, but most likely the game can still be played after the 'End.'

For the Hardcore, a new Difficulty opens after that Boss too, with new enemies, new materials, new items, etc, etc, etc...

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 15:06:47
Sounds and looks pretty awesome. I downloaded the trial version but have yet to try it. All signs point to me buying this game though.


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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 17:14:53
phantom_leo said:

There is a new 'End Boss' so I think you could consider beating him beating the game, but most likely the game can still be played after the 'End.'

For the Hardcore, a new Difficulty opens after that Boss too, with new enemies, new materials, new items, etc, etc, etc...

This on Vita?

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 17:27:35

Supposedly coming out in the Summer. I know it would be cool to have this on a portable, but you should try to get it on a system that other people you know have. You will most likely die a few times and lose all you stuff, or run into a boss you may need help with, and then you're going to want the multiplayer option.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 19:51:00
phantom_leo said:

Supposedly coming out in the Summer. I know it would be cool to have this on a portable, but you should try to get it on a system that other people you know have. You will most likely die a few times and lose all you stuff, or run into a boss you may need help with, and then you're going to want the multiplayer option.

So no cross play, cause if its PS3 and Vita then that is perfect.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:31:11

Play a game for 30-odd hours or so, you think you begin to have a grasp on everything it has to offer, right...?


I went over the nephew's today and he showed me a ---TON--- of Weapons, Items, Armors, Objects, Enemies, NPC's... that I didn't even begin to guess were in the game!

Give a group of thirteen year olds the week off for Easter break, give em Terraria and they will spend every waking moment uncovering every crack, crevice and corner of the game!!


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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:34:50

Something I failed to mention earlier: There are NPC's in the game. Completing certain objectives makes them move into your Town, if you have adequate housing for them.

The Guide comes automatically. Gather enough Money and a Merchant moves in. Uncover an Explosive in a Chest and the Demolitions Expert comes a calling. Defeat your first boss and a Dryad joins your group!

Each sells you items, gives you hints and introduces even --MORE-- gameplay mechanics!

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:36:23

Don't tempt me Frodo, I mean Leo!

I know I asked for this...

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